Growing Media Europe AISBL is an international non-profit organisation representing the producers of growing media and soil improvers at European level.
A growing medium is a material other than soil in the ground in which plants and mushrooms are grown. Growing media provide rooting environment for plants and are used in professional horticulture for:
fruity vegetables
pot plants
young plant production
tree nursery stock
cut flowers
bedding plants
soft fruits
Commonly known as "potting soil" or "substrate", growing media are also used in the hobby market. As an important supplier to the modern horticultural industry, the growing media sector is an important contributor to its sustainability. It represents an industry with a €3 billion turnover accounting for 11,000 jobs across Europe and is essential to the horticulture industry which is estimated to have a turnover of approx. €60 billion and provides for over 750,000 jobs.

Our main objective is to promote optimum legislation for the manufacturing as well as the free and fair trade of growing media within Europe. Coordinating our work with the member companies and associate members all over Europe, we aim to ensure a single voice for the industry. We provide scientific information as well as technical expertise on the use of growing media products and act as focal point for political decision makers and stakeholders inside and outside the European Institutions.
Growing Media Europe is committed to the highest environmental standards, to the sustainable use of natural resources and to contributing to the competitiveness of the European horticultural sector by providing high quality growing media products.