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Image by Markus Spiske

Growing Media LCA tool

About the tool 

The GME LCA platform is a software solution commissioned by Growing Media Europe (GME) and developed by Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk. It allows users to calculate the environmental footprint of growing media mixes over their life cycle perspective, from the production of constituents to the delivery at consumer.


Users are able to input primary activity data on their mix composition (constituents and additives), resources used at the factory and transport to consumer. To calculate the environmental footprint of the growing media mix, the platform combines the user’s primary activity data with background datasets for constituents, additives, resource use and transport.


The environmental impact of the mix is calculated following the rules set by the Growing Media Environmental Footprint Guideline V1.0 and the environmental impact is calculated using the Environmental Footprint Impact Assessment method (JRC).


The GME LCA platform is intended to help stakeholders in the growing media industry and supply chain monitor and potentially reduce the environmental impact associated to growing media. Results may be used (non-exhaustive) in monitoring and communicating product environmental footprint, research and development and CSR or sustainability reporting.

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