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Growing Media Environmental Footprint Guideline V2.0 Update - Open Consultation

At the end of 2023 Growing Media Europe and Blonk Consultants commenced a project with Blonk to update the Growing Media Environmental Footprint guidelines (Version 1.0 Published in 2021) to incorporate new research developments, updates in industry knowledge and feedback from LCA tool users. After four work sessions of our Technical Secretariat, we have produced a draft document for Version 2.0.

We are asking all relevant experts or stakeholders to review the changes to this document and to provide feedback by the 30th of June.

We ask that you pay particular attention to your specific areas of expertise as that will maximise the improvement of this document. We are also interested in editorial changes that can improve the readability of the document and make it accessible to a wider audience.

This an open request, so please distribute this to anyone in your network who you believe could provide helpful comments or feedback.

Note that updates to the GM LCI database and the GM LCA tool are out of scope for this project, but any relevant feedback will be recorded and considered in future update projects.

Please send your feedback to using the excel template below no later than the 30th of June, after which we will collate the responses and use them to produce and publish the final GMEF Guideline V2.0 document in July/August.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We look forward to hearing your constructive feedback

The below documents are:

  • The draft Growing Media Environmental Footprint Guideline Version 2.0.

  • An excel template for entering your feedback


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