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Growing Media Europe Co-organizes Event to Discuss New Fertilizers Legislation

Growing Media Europe AISBL along other stakeholders organised an event in Brussels in order to showcase their views regarding the ongoing revision of the EU Fertilizers Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003. Throughout the event, presentations focused on the impact of the draft fertilizer legislation on the use of different plant materials and organic by-products.

Representing Growing Media Europe AISBL, the President of our Working Group Expertise Nele AMELOOT presented the use of circular products in growing media how they are affected by the legislation. Especially the certification of growing media products containing plant material would put a big burden on the industry, mainly consisting of SMEs. Thereafter Nele AMELOOT alongside with Laurent LARGANT (GME - AFAÏA), presented two case studies showcasing how self-certification and the existing legislation in growing media production are sufficiently ensuring safety, enabling innovation and contributing to the circular economy.

Growing Media Europe AISBL would like to thank all the participants and the following co-organisers: European Biogas Association, European Biostimulants Industry Council, The European Consortium of the Organic-Based Fertilizer Industry, the European Sustainable Phosphorous Platform, Twence and Union des Industries de la Fertilisation.

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