Eugenia Arcos Messana joins GME as a new staff member

Growing Media Europe is pleased to announce that Ms Eugenia Arcos Messana has started her position as Public Affairs Advisor on 2 March 2020 and will strengthen the GME team. Eugenia will be replacing Cecilia Luetgebrune during the time of her maternity leave from mid of May until beginning of September 2020.
Eugenia has a background in law and a proven track record in political interest representation. She speaks Spanish, English and has an intermediate knowledge of French. Eugenia can be contacted via
New office location of the Growing Media Europe Secretariat
Since 2 March; the Secretariat of Growing Media Europe is located in the building of the European Farmers Association COPA-COGECA. The new address is Rue de Trèves 61, 1040 Brussels.